Back in the Saddle Again

Hello Friends, Family, and Fans!

I am pleased to tell you that I am working on a new Werewolf Paranormal Romance for eGlobal, and I am loving every minute of it! Once it is published, it will be available to read in serialized form on apps such as Dreame.

For those of you keeping track (or maybe just me), it's been seven years since I published a full-length work. Life has been busy, busy, busy! I have two beautiful nephews. I've had several "real" customer service jobs. I sold my house. I lost a dog and got a dog (miss you, Joe-Joe - love you, Domino). I've edited THREE books for my prolific and talented Uncle Mick (who writes very sensitively and honestly about his journey of faith and depression). I've been back to Guatemala. Changes and opportunities abound!

Serialized online fiction is new for me. Well, serialized online anything is new for me (is it okay to already feel old when you're not yet 40?). I'm learning some new tips and tricks and I've got a wonderful editor named Aimee. The biggest change is writing shorter chapters. But, considering I always wrote a bit on the short and sweet side, this platform has actually become ideal for me. Maybe serialized online fiction was invented because God knew I was coming? Who knows.

I feel a little like Charles Dickens. Back in the day, they used to do serialized pieces in newspapers (these were only later collected into books). Of course, Dickens didn't write Werewolf Romance, but you never know. He might have considered it if he were alive today.

Anywho, new day, new work, new blog!

Happy reading!



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